OPINION: Ministerial overload in garbage crisis


The lack of budget to collect garbage is not a valid excuse for people who must suffer so much ineptitude. To begin with, there is a cleaning fee that citizens pay for the garbage to be collected; In addition, the Urban and Home Cleaning Authority (AAUD) has a budget assigned by the State for this task. If the amount is not enough to provide the service, the administrator must meet with his board of directors and immediately obtain those funds.

But it is inadmissible for the city to be left without this service, when there is money here to dance, pay, subsidize, travel and even to steal. The AAUD directive is full of ministers and positions for citizens to suffer these hardships, starting with the Minister of Health (Luis Sucre) and going through those of Housing (Rogelio Paredes), Work (Doris Zapata) and Environment (Milciades Concepción), a representative of the Comptroller’s Office and the administrators of the Tourism authorities (Iván Eskildsen) and Public Services (Armando Fuentes). All of them are as responsible as the administrator of the AAUD for the ineffectiveness and incompetence that reigns in this entity.- LA PRENSA, Jun. 9