AT LAST ! A seat at the dialogue table


Tomorrow afternoon the dialogue for social peace is scheduled to resume in Penonomé. Several transcendental issues are still pending discussion that are of interest to the entire country, and of which the private sector is also a part, which, despite its insistent requests to be included at the table, has been relegated, without the opportunity to comment or suggest as Panamanians that they are, as well as those who currently negotiate these issues. It is a mistake that should not be made a second time, because, as will be remembered, the government began negotiations with parallel tables, in which agreements were reached that were later rejected, until a single table was consolidated. It is the same risk that the Government now runs without any need, since there is no compelling reason to exclude the productive sectors of the country, and it is probably a setback to touch on issues on which agreements were theoretically reached. It is completely absurd to think that the private sector has nothing to say or give an opinion on the issues that are currently being analyzed. On the contrary, it has much to offer so that this dialogue does not end in failure. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 2

