Ineptitude fuels schools of villainy


  It’s no secret that Panama’s prisons are veritable schools of villainy; There is no re-socialization, much less a reinsertion into society of those who have paid for their crimes in those prisons, precisely because they come out much worse than when they enter. The Government is a complete failure, also in this matter. We only have to remember the leaks or the corruption that reigns in the prisons, which includes everything from smuggling telephones and satellites to large-caliber weapons, through bladed weapons and even drugs. The weapons are then used to eliminate enemies or to kill guards. In other words, the corruption of some elements of the system itself has cost the lives of others, including co-workers. The technology to monitor, prevent or gather intelligence is absolutely null, it does not exist, because the Government cares little about this issue or because some vivacious people steal the money that could be used to give a second chance to thousands of Panamanians who are rotting in inhuman prisons. This administration also does not have effective crime prevention programs and if we add to this a slow and vulnerable justice, we have the perfect crop for the proliferation of common and organized crime. How much ineptitude and negligence! – LA PRENSA, Feb. 15.