Politicians jumping the gun for 2024 elections


In order not to disappoint, politicians who will aspire to popular election positions in 2024 celebrated the provisions regarding the electoral ban. So much so that, despite the fact that the Electoral Tribunal warned on the eve of the holidays that the norm that prohibits campaigning is in force, officials of the body who verify that electoral regulations are complied with, discovered situations that will be investigated to apply the corresponding sanctions. The director of the Electoral Organization said that only last Saturday, cases were found in Chitré, Las Tablas, Penonomé, the epicenters of the carnival. That is why citizens must be vigilant against proselytizing activity, which includes, among others, the propagation in vehicles or the delivery of printed objects with logos, names and campaign slogans of the candidates. This is the only way to guarantee a fair and equitable electoral process for all, because if a candidate does not follow the rules of the tournament, what makes us think that he will if he manages to govern? The Electoral Tribunal has warned that the objects will be confiscated if they are caught in flagrante, including the propaganda on tankers, and that files will be opened for each case, that is, if a candidate is caught violating the electoral norms on different days, on each case will be raised an investigation that We hope that exemplary sanctions will be imposed, as this type of conduct is intolerable. LA PRENSA, Feb. 20.