Shrinking population but same number  of voters 


What is happening with the electoral roll of the San Felipe corregimiento is not only a scandal, but must be the subject of a thorough and immediate investigation. And this should clarify why in the electoral roll there are close to 4 thousand people who can vote, when the population census reveals that there, theoretically, only 18% of that population could vote, since there is a drastic migration of residents of that corregimiento for various reasons. But, despite this, the representative of that sector, an old PRD militant with embezzlement accusations and convictions, has been the winner in five periods, including the 1999 and 2019 elections, in which he won almost the same number of votes despite the depopulation of the corregimiento. That is why it is also worth asking if there are similar situations in other areas –rural or urban– overwhelmed by problems that could cause their residents to move. It would be worth comparing this year’s census numbers with the number of voters on the electoral roll for next year’s elections. Given this background, nothing would surprise us anymore with these people. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 14.