Work schedules killing doctors and patients


Work schedules include days that are physically impossible to fulfill –because it deprives medical personnel of sleep and rest– and, at the same time, that patients suffer due to lack of skill caused by fatigue. How is it possible that there are days that exceed 40 uninterrupted hours of work? The irony is that being doctors, and knowing the consequences of sleep deprivation, they were the proponents or those who accepted such an aberration in labor matters, which practically makes negligence legal, because with hours like that, who can be nice, careful or pay attention to what you do and say? This is not only the fault of an inhumane system, but of governments that only care about building hospitals, without training enough doctors or specialists to meet the needs of patients. It is time to do something or fatigue will continue to kill doctors and patients.—LA PRENSA, Aug. 16.