Regional approach needed to solve migration problem


Although the irregular migration of people -especially that of people who risk crossing the Darién jungle- generates problems that must be addressed by Panama, the truth is that this is a problem of the countries of the region and it is necessary that governments become aware that no matter how much this country wants to treat them humanely, resources are finite and, far from solving the problem, with each passing year the irregular flow of people increases, which has given way to a multimillion-dollar business for groups of coyotes that charge thousands of dollars per person to cross the jungle. The Government is preparing to make decisions about the irregular flow of migrants, and a painful option is on the table: the temporary closure of the passage for these people. So far this year, some 320, 000 migrants have already crossed the borders and by the end of the year, there will be thousands more, so the problems are beginning to accumulate. For this reason, it is necessary for Panama to try to reach regional agreements so that migration is orderly and safe. Otherwise, everything can get out of control, with which strict measures will come that would harm thousands of people – LA PRENSA, Aug. 29.