170 fight tanker explosion in banking district

It took 150 firefighters and 20 SINAPROC workers(civil emergency service) to subdue flames engulfing 22 cars after a gas tanker exploded near the Marriott Hotel on Tuesday. 

Six people were injured, one seriously, when the first of three explosions erupted in a Tropigas truck delivering gas to a Sushi Express restaurant.
Staff from the Marriot rushed to help with fire extinguishers which were ineffective against the massive flames which destroyed a building and cars parked on the street.

More than ten fire trucks arrived and 50 police were need to control the traffic, chaos, and spectators.

Abelardo Matos, 54, was heading to the restaurant for lunch when he was hit by the blast.

He suffered first and second degree burns to 25 percent of his body and was rushed to San Tomas Hospital.

Jose Remic, 30 a Tropigas dispatcher, was burned on his arms and face.

Four others received minor injuries.

A five year old girl living in the burning building was taken out by her nanny. Firefighters returned to the apartment to rescue a dog and a rabbit, drawing applause from the crowd.

The Fire Department, attributed the explosion to a "gas leak".

Electric power to the area was cut forcing banks, insurance companies and other businesses to suspend operations

The sector around the site of the blast was closed until noon on Wednesday.

Meanwhile insurance companies were busy assessing the damage to cars and buildings.