Carnival Chairman in drinks for minors squabble

The tangled web of the carnival in Panama city got more tangled on Sunday when minors were found drinking alcohol on Via España.
When authorities went to remove the dancing and drinking offenders the kids objected.
La Prensa reported that when Carlos Arias, chairman of the unofficial carnival committee arrived and complained of the actions of the authorities he was removed to the Bella Vista magistrate’s office.
Reports indicate that he will be held accountable for allegedly selling alcohol to minors.
Later the manager of the Tourism Authority,Solomon Shamah, told l media that the sale of alcohol to minors is a criminal act.

Arias and Shamah were at loggerheads during the lead up to carnival, but in the last few days Shamah appeared to be changing his stance over how much should be spent on the festival.
But the selling drinks to minors issue will give Bella Vista residents more ammunition in their fight to make sure the event will not be held in their area again.

Meanwhile hotels in Panama found business heavily down over the Carnival period, as the Carnival does not attract tourists and businessmen steered clear of the city.

Restaurants also suffered as well heeled citizens  left the city,or n the country by the thousand.

Usually Valentine’s day  is a big one for restaurateurs but the double whammy of the carnival exodus and St Valentine’s coming in the midst of carnival, destroyed one of their big annual cash ins.

Those near Via España were especially hard hit, as they were perceived as being inaccessible.