Government and union leaders set to talk.

“Jaw Jaw not War War” was a rallying  cry of demonstrators during the Cold War years. The message has reached the government of Panama and the leaders of the construction and allied workers  union (SUNTRACS).
President Ricardo MartinelliAfter “Don’t mess with me” statements from President Ricardo Martinelli and threats of strong government retaliation against worker demonstrations from Minister of Justice Jose Mulino, and threats of street action across the city by the unions, a commission is to be set up to analyze the claims of labor groups.

Late in the night on Friday, after a peaceful march from Parque Porras to the Presidential Palace by teachers, students, unions and and health workers, Genaro Lopez, secretary general of the Construction and Allied Workers Union (SUNTRACS), met with President Ricardo Martinelli, and Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu.
Five hours later workers who had been arrested earlier in the week for disturbances were released. The unions who took part in the march had threatened strike action of the workers were not released on Saturday.
Labor union representatives and the executive agreed to meet during the week but no time has been set
Among the topics to be discussed are the transformation of the education curriculum, insecurity in the streets, the sale of land on islands and coasts and tax reforms.

On Saturday 223 SUNTRACS workers detained after confrontations with police earlier in th week were released. Each was fined $15 for disorderly conduct.

Saul Mendez, leader of SUNTRACS, announced that shall lend a complaint against the State of Panama to the International Labor Organization (ILO), for violating the right of freedom of the workers.