Zero tolerance promise just empty words

What the papers say 

La Prensa July 26

It seems that the Panamanian government will deliver a new disappointment. The promise of zero tolerance for corruption has been, once again, empty words.

 Six months have passed since an audit of the a Social Investment Fund (FIS), brought to light a series of scandals involving the irregular handling of funds by several members of both opposition and of government.

The audit made by the FIS was rejected by all who were involved, and the Comptroller promised to go to the bottom of the investigation. Instead it is buried it on an old shelf. Under the pretext of not having enough staff to do audits, the Comptroller has done a great service to Members, because nothing has been advanced but there is a multi million dollar embezzlement. To create a new institution to do what until now had been done by the FIS, is not enough to atone for the sins of those who abused their position to steal state money. We demand that the investigations are concluded and that once and for all the corrupt in this country are punished for their misdeeds. Impunity has tired us all