No charges against prosecutor with daughter caught in police trap with government car

A senior government prosecutor whose daughter was caught in a police checkpoint, early Sunday, driving a vehicle with a Public Ministry (MP ) plate will not face any charges.

Geomara de Jones facing the media after a previous incident involving her husband

Prosecutor Geomara de Jones will not be penalized after her daughter Selena Jones Guerra, 22, was caught. Selena did not allow police officers to test her with a breathalyzer which, according to traffic regulations, "is an indictment" against the driver.

Naphtali Jaén, a prosecutor with acting Attorney General, Giuseppe Bonissi, said that when the prosecutor asked for a report it was realized that the car dark blue Nissan Pathfinder was government property, and carried an MP plate {jathumbnail off}

Jaen said on Monday that the Traffic Operations Division had not sent a report on what happened to Selena Jones.

The vehicle was stopped by traffic police on Calle 50 at 3:00 am on Sunday The vehicle was towed and the police report said that she did not want to get out of the truck when the crane arrived.

This is not the first time the Guerrar Jones family has been involved in a serious traffic incident.
In 2006, Selena’s father  Charles Jones who is husband of the prosecutor, collided with a taxi driver and his wife, killing both. That also occurred at dawn, and the father refused to take a breathalyzer test and moved to a private clinic.

When agents visited the residence of Geomara Jones, in search of her husband, the prosecutor tried to prevent it, and was punished with  one day’s suspension from office without pay.

In 2004, the Court asked the MP to open an investigation against Geomar Jones for alleged irregularities committed when she ordered the arrest of three people in the case of the disappearance of banker Hans Bosch.

The Selena case is the second involving a vehicle with public ministry plates and failed breathalyzer tests under Bonissi’s short term regime.
In May, the former prosecutor , Mauricio Ceballos, crashed a BMW seized from a drug case, when he left a casino allegedly drunk. He was armed and fled.
Ceballos was removed from office according to, the Directorate of Legal Services. Yesterday it emerged that he resigned said La Prensa