Arms and ammo for food program nets 157 firearms in Panama

Panama’s "Arms and ammunition for food and medicine" program netted 157 firearms  in Chorillo in exchange for $27,000 in vouchers

 The program which ran for two days at the end of last week, is  aimed at reducing  the number of, weapons on the streets of the most violence prone areas of the country was promoted by the Government the National Police, and the National Assistance Program .

Among the 157 weapons surrendered were six military rifles, five AK-47, and an M16, said Deputy Commissioner Javier Fanuco,.  In addition they 14,000 rounds of ammunition were handed in.
Officials are now trying to verify whether any of the weapons were stolen, in order to return them to their rightful owners if they are legitimate  The remaining weapons will be destroyed.
The next round of the program will be carried out in Curundú and Tocumen, and possibly San Miguelito and Alcalde Díaz.