Fired workers on hunger strike outside Ombudsmans HQ

Two former officials of Panama’s Social Security Fund (CSS) will enter  the eighth day of their hunger strike on Monday, August 23, on the steps of the Ombudsman’s office on Calle 50, the scene of recent confrontations between ranking ruling-party officials and protestors against the government’s Law 30.

 Elineth Menchaca  of Cocle and Juan Samaniego, surviving on water to protest firingsThe  The hunger strikers claim they and some 30 others were unfairly dismissed. They claim that the director of the CSS, Guillermo Saenz Llorens is silently "rigging" their files.

The protesters demand the intervention of the Ombudsman, because of trhe violation of their rights and are asking the board of the CSS to reinstate them and for the annulment of manipulated records that led to the dismissals.{jathumbnail off}