Families remember dictatorship massacre at Albrook

Relatives and family of National Guard officers who were murdered 21 years ago after a failed attempt to overthrow the military regime of the Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega marked the anniversary on Sunday (October 3)

They participated  in a mass at the Church of Lourdes, to remember the dead  and to demand  justice for those involved.

The movement to unseat Noriega led by Major Moises Giroldi and Capt. Javier Licona ended with 11 officers brutally murdered in a hangar at Albrook by units loyal to Noriega, on October 3, 1989. Licona was the only one to escape.

Of those involved in Gonzalo "Chalo Gonzalez received a pardon from former President Ernesto Pérez Balladares. Another ringleader, Evidelio Quiel  is in Costa Rica.
Noriega is imprisoned in France and the government has requested his extradition to face trial for the massacre and other crimes.
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