A Ho Ho Ho photo-op for the mayor

What The Papers Say:

La Prensa, December 1

Panama’s mayor has requested authorization to  buy 25,000  toys with a direct contract and no competitive bidding. 

 The rationale: that the public event convened forbidding in October was declared void. The truth is that the issue generates many questions, considering what happened just a year ago. Furthermore, it is almost certain that if he wished he could get toys donated by many companies to give children from poor families.

But spending taxpayers' money like this, is a waste of money. The bottom line is that the mayor is looking to advertise, try to win the favor of the citizens leaving the community still wondering when he will start to be a be a real mayor, even minimally. It will be irresponsible to grant permission to make this expenditure. It is not urgent or necessary, and even more if it is a direct expense. If you do, wish to do it then use the proper channels and not by creating exceptions. Mr. Mayor, start worrying about the serious problems of this city. You were not chosen for being photographed while delivering gifts.