Three hallelujahs and two resolutions to consider

Phil Edmonston, Chair of the Missions Committee at Balboa Union Church,  had some New Year reflections that he voiced at the Christmas Eve planting of candles ceremony at the church, a tradition stretching back 69 years.


A few days later, Phil, author, activist and former Canadian MP   was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery.

As he lies recovering, some of our readers have suggested that his words are worth sharing:

As you make your New Year’s resolution, may I suggest these two?

Celebrate Christmas everyday in a pink church, sitting here on this hill for almost 85 years. Help us wash and paint the outside, and pray, sing, love, laugh and cry on the inside. Become a member of a unique church that loves everyone and lets our Creator sort them out.

Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable: Help us to nourish the physically and spiritually hungry as Jesus exhorts us in James 2: 14-17. Help us to fight bigotry, discrimination, and corruption. No more “Juega vivo”. Throw the bigots, hypocrites, and thieves out of the temple.

Finally, take the humbug out of your life and replace it with Hallelujah!

1. A vaccine ‘cure’ for AIDS is on the horizon. Hallelujah!
2. Panama will soon have a Metro subway system as new buses start in a few days. Hallelujah!
3. And Balboa Union Church will greet you every Sunday at 10 a.m. for an hour of song, prayer and refreshments, where the many tongues we speak will include Spanish, English, French, and Kuna…nuwedi… Hallelujah!

Earlier he had reported the Mission’s ongoing at feeding 150 meals to children weekly in Chilibre; giving hope and assistance to seniors in Rio Abajo; lodging and feeding to native children in the harsh mountains of Veraguas, and giving help to the helpless and hope to the hopeless throughout Panama City through the Pastor’s fund.