Corruption in the highest levels of the judiciary : former Attorney General

Information uncovered about  a sitting Supreme Court judge,  no longer belongs to the informant “ but  to society, that is sick of corruption, ” said Ana Matilde Gomez Panama’s former Attorney General on Monday April 4.

Judge José Abel Almengor has been denounced for his involvement in an alleged plot  with other lawyers to get Ana Matilde Gomez , his former boss, out of the Attorney General's Office.
Gomez said, reports La Prensa: “The important thing in this case are not the motivations of people involved, but  what has been exposed to the country, the corruption at the highest levels in the judiciary."
The denouncement  was of significant importance “because it comes from the system and reveals details about the great mafia is in the judiciary," she said. Gomez rejected statements by another participant, that the scandal was a conspiracy to affect the president, Ricardo Martinelli, especially since, in her  opinion: " Martinelli was the one who paved the way for the situation by not respecting the separation of state powers" .

La Estrellahas been running front page revelations about Amengor’s alleged involvement  in  another affair involving  favors for Americans being sought by the FBI.
The Assembly has an historic opportunity to investigate she said.

Meanwhile,  on Monday  law students at the University of Panama continued protests and closed the Transístmica  demanding the dismissal of Almengor. Students clashed with police .

The Citizens' Assembly representing 80 groups, , former Deputy Judge Rodriguez , A. Jorge Zuniga and Humberto Sanchez Serrano Levy  have all filed complaints against Almengor
The chairman of the Credentials Committee, Miguel Fanovich, said that it was proposed to appoint a subcommittee to look into the allegations, and within 10 days of its recommendation would be passed to the full committee on the feasibility or not to admit theallegations.
Law professor  Miguel Antonio Bernal in an open letter to the new Ombudsman, Patria Portugal, urged her to seek the removal of  Almengor.

An attempt by Almengor to bring an investigation against his accuser  has been dismissed by the Legal Division of the judiciary.

Aan attorney, a witness against Almengor has claimed that his life has been threatened.

La Prensa says a judiciary source confirmed that Chief Justice, Aníbal Salas, last week sent a letter to the Almengor, explaining why his  request was inappropriate.
Among other things, the Office of Legal Counsel determined that audits can only be made  of active officials and unsolved cases.
Thecases  of Rodrigues have already been processed, and she is no longer  an active official.

Commenting on the court’s decision Rodriguez said she knew that this the  Almengor initiative would not succeed yet  he tried to create an atmosphere of doubt about her..