Noriega home sale –strike 2

“For sale, 3, 345 square meter home in one of Panama’s most exclusive locations. Former owner living in France as guest of French government.”

Panama’s  Ministry of Economy and Finance has again failed to find a buyer for a home that was seized from former dictator Manuel Noriega in Altos del Golf.

The property is valued at  $2.5 million and has a history of parties and Noriega rages during the dictatorship years. Many leading citizens still walking in or around the corridors of power enjoyed the hospitality of the former Panmanian strong man, but none have stepped forward to acquire the house of memories

After abandoning the auction, ministry officials said that they will organize a future auction, which will be the third attempt to sell the mansion.

Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima said a date for the third auction has not been set.

If the property fails to sell at a third auction, ministry officials said they would discuss a possible new strategy. A halfway house to allow the former owner to reintegrate into the community?

 Noriega, is currently serving a prison sentence in France for money laundering and is due for release in 2013, and faces trial in Panama for murder.