Martinellilashes out at Cinta Costera opponents

In an off the cuff denunciation of opponents of the plan to build the third phase of the Cinta Costera around Casco Viejo,  Panama's president, Ricardo Martinelli said that gang members were being hired to attack opponents of the project.

As an aside he said that there was no hurry for the promised cabinet shake up promised for July, and he had decided for the moment to make no further changes to the government. “That will come after July” he said.

So far the only heads to roll have been the directors of Immigration and Tourism, although no replacement has been confirmed for the latter post, which falls vacant on July 1.

During a tour of a community Penonomé  he lashed out at opponents of the Cinta Costera expansion. "Here people  come first," he said.

 "Making the tunnel [instead of a rout circling the old city] would cost an additional $ 200 million, which very well could be used to provide, more roads and  more hospitals. The problem is that there are four people who have cornered the Heritage"

The president sent a message to “someone” who. he said. is hiring gang members to go against those who support the coastal strip, to stop, because he will feel the the full weight of law.

The government’s three alternative proposals are currently before Unesco’s World Heritage committee in Paris. They include a tunnel, a viaduct across the Bay of Panama, linking Avenida Balboa with Chorillo, and the road skirting the city, but the president has already announced his choice.

Numerous citizen groups form part of the opposition campaign.