Panama Medical staff plan sit-in and march to protest hospital crisis

Leaders of  medical associations and unions agreed on Saturday, August 13 to conduct a sit-in to protest the crisis in Social Security (CSS) by nosocomial bacteria in the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital, where 22 patients have died.

The date of the sit-in has not been determined but there will be a march from the hospital Plaza 5 de Mayo on  Wednesday August 17

Representatives of doctors, nurses, technicians and other health workers  who met at the University of Panama,  The date will be  chosen after regional guilds, meet and approve the move.

At the meeting were members of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal),  The CSSAssociation of Physicians, Dentists and Allied staff (Amoacss), the  CSS National Association of Administrative Officials (Anfacss) and the National Coordination of Associations of Professional and Technical Health (Conagreprotsa). The meeting was also attended by the leaders of the National Front for the Defense of Social Rights (FRENADESO) and the Confederation of Independent Unions (CONUSI).