Acrimony and Dissent in assembly marathon session

Panama’s political turmoil continued through the week, and on Friday led to a 21 hour marathon session of the National Assembly giving the ruling Democratic Change party (CD) victory in a key vote.

At  6.40 am on Saturday, February 1 the first block of electoral reforms  was passed with 42 votes in favor and 12 against.

A group of dissident Panamenistas voted with the CD for reforms, including the introduction of the controversial  second round run off.

The session began at 10:45 am on Friday and included rancorous exchanges between members of the opposition and the ruling CD.  

After 10 hours of debate, ending at 11:35 pm Panamenista representative Jose Blandon criticized the assembly President , as there had been a agreement  between sitting members that  they were not going to sit on Saturday and claimed it had been violated. "Keep your word, keep word, " Rep  Luis Varela shouted from his seat .

Rep. Rodney Arauz, Vice President of the Assembly, had assured his colleagues on Thursday that they would not sit on Saturday. A group of people in the stands joined in the yelling, leading to warnings that there would be  evictions if good behavior  was not shown.

After Varela and Blandon’s, critical reactions, Dalia Bernal presented a bill to repeal Resolution No. 2, July 3, 2009, which had  restored the Panamanian citizenship  of Panama’s mayor Bosco Ricardo Vallarino which, if approved, would mean his  removal from office .

At11:45 pm on Friday, a long recess was declared and Panamenists  faithful to the party line called a meeting with President of the Assembly, Hector Aparicio in a failed attempt to prevent a Saturday session. The debate was resumed at 1:25 am.

After more acrimonious discussion, at 3:15 am loyal Panamenistas  decided to walk out  leaving only the CD members,  Panamenista dissidents and PRD members.

 Among the items deleted on the recommendation of the governing party was the  article giving  the Electoral Tribunal the power to promote and regulate the holding of two televised debates between presidential candidates.

Approved were adjustments to Article 28 concerning the State's contributiontor expenditures of political parties. Also approved was the removal of the item that  media should report to the Electoral Tribunal by affidavit, details of  who paid the for electoral propaganda during  the campaign.

The session will resume on Monday.