When the Devils in the details

The Devil’s in the Details is a warning that should be tattooed on the wrist of any purchaser of real estate in Panama, or elsewhere for that matter.

While there are reliable and trustworthy people out there, a fairly sizeable school of sharks is swimming around looking for those who haven’ t read the fine print, or are bedazzled by the fast talking salesperson rushing to clinch the deal, and omitting a few salient facts which could lead to big problems some way down the road.

One of the issues that should concern all purchasers is real estate taxation, and Panama’s American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham)  is moving to help clear some potential minefields for investors.

Amcham’s second annual forum on Real Estate will be held at the Panama Hotel on   Thursday October 6, and is aptly titled  The Devil’s in the Details: Real Estate Taxes in Panama.  Speakers from a leading auditing firm will be be giving the presentation in ENGLISH,  and will be available to answer your questions.

It’s a lunch time event, so your ticket will get you not only some worthwhile information and advice, but also an excellent meal and the opportunity to share experiences with others planning to invest in a home or real estate in the Isthmus.

Prices range from $50 for non Amcham members to $25 for members and $35  for pensionados. As a lot of expat investors are in the latter category, it sounds like a bargain that could help potential purchasers  avoid some painful time wasting surprises in the future.

The event runs from 11.30, am to 2 pm . For reservations go to amcham@panamcham.com or call 301-3881 ext 0.