Peace march follows murder of Chorrera students

A peace march will be held in Chorrera on Wednesday to protest the killing of five Chinese students, described by  Public Safety Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, as an isolated case.

"That happens in other countries, in the United States or Europe when someone goes crazy and strafes a large number of children without much reason” said Mulino.

He made the comments on TVN News and later met with members of the China Society and the National Police.

The peace march will start at the church of San Francisco de Paula and end at the National Police Headquarters. Chinese merchants have announced the closure of their premises for the day, in support of the march.

An  evening mass  was held at San Francisco de Paula on Monday and was followed by a vigil on the steps of the church.

All the victims, four young men and an 18 year old girl, who were kidnapped and killed, were children of business owners on the town’s Central Avenue.