Push for and against Panama mega tower continues

While Panama's outgoing Finance Minister,Alberto Vallarino is still pushing for the building of a mega financial tower on Avenida Balboa, representatives’ of 15 opposing  groups staged a last ditch protest on  Sunday, September 25.

They  chose the site of the former American Embassy  for their  demonstration and  built twin towers from cardboard boxes stuffed with stage money. A path, lined with Panamanian flags led  to the  symbolic structure which after speeches was exploded, sending  “taxpayer money" into the air.The symbolic towers stuffed with  money

The representatives of he National Front for the Defence and Preservation of  the Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage of Panam, were protesting the $250 milion dollar expenditure, and the towers’ infingment on the historic lands of  Santo Tomas Hospital

But, before leaving office   Vallarinowill give a final push to a bill that seeks to create Public Private Partnerships  The project, is awaiting approval in the second debate in the National Assembly
Children collect the stage money"We hope that the draft budget can be adopted early next week,  followed bythe law of Public Private Partnerships," said Vallarino .

He  said that the Financial Tower building will continue, even after he leaves office.
"This project is not mine … This is a project that is in the strategic plan of government, as is the City Government   and the  new convention center," he said.
The towers tumbleThe Financial Tower was a project that would pay for itself with the private sector. Tthe National Bank would be the main tenant, and  would occupy large amount of square meters. .
The project seeks to involve the private sector in providing infrastructure and services that have traditionally been supplied by the government but without affecting the deficit limits set forth in the Fiscal Responsibility Act.A masked demonstrator gives the coup detat