Alleged assault by police leads to call for law change

Following the widely published alleged assault of a doctor by police, Panama’s Citizen’s Assembly  is calling for a change in the law which protects police under investigation.

The  group is protesting abuses of the police and the authorities, against  citizens and in a a statement condemns  the "inhuman forms of aggression by the National Police against the citizens and the disregard of fundamental guarantees."

The Assembly referred specifically to the case of Rafael Perez Carrillo, who received fractures in the face Thursday night during an incident with police in the area of El Carmen.

 For this reason, the group is demanding the repeal of Act 74 of October 29, 2010 which  expressly authorizes security forces to use of force. The  law prevents members of the police force from being  arrested or suspended preventively, if they are subjects of investigation.

Earlier in the year, police under investigation for the deaths of young prisoners who died from burns while police stood by and prevented firemen from reaching them, were allowed to remain on duty.

 The Alliance issued a "call to all citizens to redouble our citizen action in defense of our freedoms and our human rights, and move  towards a true democracy and real justice.” The assembly  brings together no fewer than 30 organizations, including  unions, human rights, environmental and community organizations.