Ship deserting deputies give CD Assembly majority

The flow of  deputies jumping ship to join the ruling Democratic Change (CD)  party  is governed not by political conviction but for personal benefit say loyalist legislators.

The bleeding  from the Panamenista Party, headed by VIce President Juan Carlos Varela has given the CD a majority in the  National Assembly.

Panamenista strongman Manuel Cohen announced Thursday that he was switching to the CD, giving the party 36 of the 71 seats that comprise the Assembly.  A flock of his followers took the same step.

Panamenista loyalist, Luis Ernesto Carles, on Friday September 30, accused the  deputies who have left the ranks of receiving gifts or benefits

Deputy Luis Eduardo Quiros, said on TVN News that those who have changed their party have said they have done so in terms of work carried out in their constituencies, so it is clear that they have moved for personal benefit.