Bus-only lanes start December 14

Exclusive lanes for buses will be introduced to Panama on December 14, starting with the Cinta Costera, says Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu.

The solid white line defining the lane is already in place and signage will follow. The new lane, starts at the Seafood Market and is intended to speed up  the movement of buses and save an average of 34 minutes of travel, said Papadimitriu. He did not say over what distance. This new lane will also be used by the Diablos Rojos not yet removed from the system but it  may not be used by private cars.

Violators  will be fined $50 said Papadimitriu. Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu.

He said that plans are in hand  to introduce bus-only lanes  at the exit of the North Corridor, via Martin Sosa and between Calle 50 and via Espana.