Local thieves and con artists looking forward to Christmas shopping

December is the month when local criminals do their Christmas shopping without cash or checks changing hands.

Crimes like theft, and fraud thrive during the holiday season, according to the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) of the National Police (PN).

Some of the most common forms of crime for this time of year when there is more money in circulation and increase purchases for  Christmas and New Year, are "paquetazo" (the sale of fake lottery tickets) and card cloning. 

Bolivar Lasso, head Public Safety Department of the National Police (PN), said there are several methods of theft and robbery used by thieves. Besides the electronic scams (such as credit card cloning) there are calls to cell phones to indicate that the telephone account holder won a prize or a promotion.

 According to official records, in Panama over $200 million will be circulating, due to the delivery of holiday savings, bonuses and payment of the thirteenth month in both the government and the private sector. 

 Lasso,says the important thing at this time of year is to be cautious when going out, to the bank or shops. The public must switch from "an the attitude of confidence, to an attitude of safety."