No call for extradition of Italian fugitive Foreign Minister

Panama’s Foreign Minister, Roberto Henriquez, does not know if  Valter Lavitola, is in Panama. Lavitola is a fugitive from Italian justice  with previous  email links to the president's office.

The former consultant to the Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica is under investigation by Italian authorities for alleged kick backs to  foreign governments and institutions to obtain contracts. He is thought to be in Panama, which has a record of giving asylum to fugitives from human rights abusers to the most recent, the head of Colombia’s secret policing operation.

Henriquez told  TVN News that he had never had contact  with Lavítola when he served as Minister of Trade and Industry and now as chancellor.he has not received  any request to locate, and extradite the fugitive, accused among other things of extortion from former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.