Traders worry as infrastructure work set to begin in Casco Viejo

The $35 million project to fix the water pipes and other infrastructure in Casco Viejo and set to last at least 16 months has area businesses worried.

Although the start date has been moved to Jan. 23, after the Jazz Festival, residents and traders are still trying to get a clear indication of  the effects on the neighborhood.

On Wednesday, representatives of the Odebrecht, the company in charge of the works, could not give clear answers but were adamant that the start date for surveying would be January 16, and in 20 days excavations would begin at First Street.

Dipardo Daniel, owner of a restaurant in this street is concerned about the duration of this first phase, since the direction of Heritage informed them that it was ruled that this was an  archaeological zone, which could prolong the period of work 40 days more.

Meanwhile, the president of the Neighborhood Association and Friends of Casco Antiguo (AVACA), Patrizia Pinzon, said that nother uncertainty had surfaced, as the Brazilian company representatives pointed out to them that the presence of staff archaeologist was not included.

Odebrecht informed residents that the piping system change would be  coordinated with the national water authority  (Idaan).

"How will you open the street if  pipe changes are not yet coordinated " said Pinzon.

Residents and traders agree that the repair of the pipes of Old Town is an urgent issue, to avoid having to break down the streets in the future.

Merlina Carlucci, one of the retailers in the area, said that closing a street hurts everyone, because if people cannot move,  there will be no business.

"If the situation is hard when we are in season, how will it be when they close the roads? Others will benefit and those who  have struggled here in the Old Town for years, will  have nothing,” said Carlucci.