MODERN TIMES A thought provoking trilogy

Timing is everything say the marketing gurus. Others go for serendipity, kismet or coincidence take your choice.

Charlie Chaplin in the classic silent era movie, Modern Times

Two articles with the same theme, our domination by technology, arrived on the editor’s desk just when he had found time to ponder and read. Putting them together along with an article from our recuperating editor and you have a trilogy on Modern Times, with different angles from despair to humor and shades of Orwell.

The first article comes from a former Panama resident, now living in Entebbe, Uganda and has surely done the rounds before, but it  is worth repeating. The second is home grown, arising from our editor’s confinement to hospital and the third an academic study from a renowned professor in Vienna, Austria. The latter is not light reading but well worth the effort and, if you are not already completely entrapped in a measured predictable social network, you might want to sit in a quiet place and start to think.

It’s Carnival in Panama, a slow news time, so if you are still in town, relax and forget about corruption, authoritarianism and  crime, or that mixture of all three that we call politics and take a look at Modern Times.