Punta Pacifica water problems solved in 15 days

The drinking  water problems of the of Panama’s upscale Punta Pacifica district will be solved in 15 days says the Water and Sewage authority.

Idaan’s metropolitan manager, Abilio Pittí, adding an meeting will begin evaluation and analysis  meeting will begin Monday February 27 and  "The idea is to solve completely all problems …

On  Thursday, February 23  there was a leak that was not able to drain because the pipe is full of caliche and other things," said Pitti, “We proceeded to clean the pipe and on Friday, there were two leaks in the water distribution system caused by pressure. 

The problem is in the pipe distribution system of drinking water and sewage and Punta Pacifica, [ Panama’s most expensive real estate] needs to find a solution to the constant water leaks, causing flooding in the streets he said.

On  Saturday, February 25, there were no reported leaks or flooding in the area. The cost of repairs, not yet established, will be passed to the Ica company.