Merchants countermarch against road closures

Another group of protestors took to the road on Sunday March 4, to call for an end to road blockages which they say are affecting tourism.

The Alliance for Peace and Development in Bocas del Toro, composed of merchants, members of civil society groups  and Protestant churches marched  through the main street of Changuinola, demanding  an end to street closures and blockades in the province. 

The group said that the closure of various roads in Bocas del Toro are affecting the economy, especially tourism. 

The march started from the bridge over the River Changuinola with protestors dressed in white   carrying signs callingfor  respect of free transit. . Meanwhile, the indigenous community of Mali, in the district of Buri, closed a stretch of the road to Grande Gualaca. All other roads in Bocas del Toro were clear.