Security Ministers flip flops

Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, said On Thursday  March 22 that has never retracted anything and it was the media who spoke of a coup, and not him, at the time of his irrevocable resignation, which he later withdrew.

The Minister was  referring to his meeting on March 6 with officials of the National Police (PN), to address the theme of his project to create a single office of internal affairs.

However, says La Prensa on March 23 in a front page lead story, headed: “The contradictions of Minister Mulino”, newspaper records confirm that Mulino spoke at a press conference on  March 14 and reported that Eduardo Serracin  deputy director of the PN (National Police), and the director of Professional Responsibility of the PN, Kauris Amador, threatened to "close ranks" if he continued with that project.

But this is not the only contradiction says La Prensa Instead, there are at least eight times he has done  it since taking office in July 2009.

“The list began in December 2011, when he said that was not a man of renunciation. And did not say it once, but twice, but barely three months after he resigned, and irrevocably, in the midst of the dispute over the bill.

“However, the  decision lasted  only five days, and was then retracted.

“Then at a press conference  he accused Serracín and Amador, but less than a week later, changed his story on a questionnaire sent to the attorney, Jose Ayu Prado, as part of a complaint filed against the former director of the PN Gustavo Perez. Such was the change that Ayu Prado asked the Court to file the case.

“But Mulino said yesterday accused this newspaper and the journalist José Otero lying.

“Perez was accused of illegal and unconstitutional acts  and of violating the country's democratic stability, but  was then seen as his friend.”