Assaults and rapes lead to caution call to taxi users

A rash of rapes and assaults in taxis has led to  an official call for caution for users of “selective transport”.

Transit Authority  Director(ATTT), Juan Pablo Mora, said on  Thursday, May 10,  that users shouldexercise caution when dealing with selective transport vehicles. As of Thursday security measures for users of the service.will be stepped up.

Taxis must carry a sticker beneath the mirrors with the names of the owner to whom they belong.

This, according to a news release from the institution, aims to allow users to view and be sure they  are boarding a taxi. The ATTT is also evaluate the possibility of making uniforms for drivers.

Mora reiterated that selective transport vehicles have specifications determined by the entity for which the user must always take into account if they carry two plates, checkered tape, acrylic that identifies them as taxis and also the decal.

Meanwhile, Americo Martinez of Provincial House Transportation, said that ia satisfactory agreement has been  reached by both parties, because drivers remain concerned about being identified as the protagonists of criminal acts.