Panama law firm and its government links

The muddy waters of Panama’s political scene become darker by the day as more revelations appear indicating nepotism and the influence of newly minted   foreign “lobbyists”  in government circles.

Roberto de la Espriella, third from the left, was ratified as a director of Banco Nacional de Panama (BNP) in July  2011

Roberto de la Espriella, one of the young lawyers of the firm Veleiro, Mihalitsianos & de la Espriella (MV & E), and a member of a group friends of the sons of the president, has been part of the board of Banco Nacional de Panama since July 2011  says La Prensa.

In addition, his law firm made the registration procedures of various companies of IBT Group, the company that since its arrival in the country in 2009,  a couple of moths after the installation of President Ricardo Martinelli has won contracts with the state for $424.5 million. The  same law firm set up a group of maritime companies that have been black listed by the U.S. over deals with Iran.

When the  IBT Group arrived in Panama Argentinian  it brought  Gustavo Franchella who  also claims to be the exclusive owner of the Panamanian corporation Agafea Corp., that was to have  received commissions from Government contracts with the Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica, currently under investigation in in Italy for corruption and bribery.