Environmentalists gear up for fight to protect Bay of Panama wetlands

An alliance of environmental groups in Panama has been formed for a campaign to protect the wetlands of the Bay of Panama to  avoid a “natural disaster”.

The home of the mangrove swallow threatened

They believe the coastal communities around the bay could be seriously affected by the decision of the Supreme Court 

If mangroves are not protected, the risk of flooding.will be increased saythe groups and wildlife will be threatened say the groups. They include The Panama Audubon Society, Environmental Advocacy Center of Panama (CIAM), MarViva, the National Authority for Nature Conservation (Ancon), Panama Sustainable Nature Foundation.

They have opened an  account on the Twitter social network Twitter: @ SalvemoslaBahia to promote their belief   that: "The wetlands are a barrier that reduces flooding, while  shellfish, fish and shrimp breeding, a bird sanctuary and unique flora are in danger  ."

 The campaign  follows the news that the Panama Bay wetlands will be left unprotected because the Third Division of the Administrative Supreme Court of Justice annulled on  April 27  , a resolution of the National Environmental Authority (ANAM) that the area was protected.

The wetland covers terrestrial, fluvial, lacustrine and marine portion of the coast of the Bay of Panama, Costa del Este in the Panama City, to the estuary in Chiman.However, although the resolution was rescinded Anam Panama Bay wetland is still included in the list of four Ramsar wetlands of international importance that are in the country, covering 2,050.34 km2. The other three are: the Gulf of Montijo, San San Pond Sak and Punta Patiño

Panama is a signatory to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, an international treaty that promotes the preservation of Wetlands of International Importance.