Panama opposition parties creating united front for democracy

Panama’s opposition parties on Friday, June 14 called for the creation of a United Front for Democracy.

Panama's opposition party leaders sharing the same table

The PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party), the Popular Party and the Panamenista want to unite  to reject the government latest actions, including the designation by President Ricardo Martinelli of the judges of the Fifth Chamber and approval of bills that allow the sale of state shares in electric utilities.

 Panamenista Party president, Juan Carlos Varela said that Martinelli has done with the creation of a fifth chamber and the appointment of judges was" an assault on democracy." Varela is Vice President of Panama.

"It is a State matter, not an election issue, it is a matter of defending democracy," said Varela, whose party broke the alliance with the ruling Democratic Change in August 2011, after the President Ricardo Martinelli dismissed him from the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Sitting in the center of a table along with the secretary general of the PRD, Mitchel Doens, and the Popular Party president, Milton Henriquez, Varela said the three opposition parties have closed ranks by the defense of democracy.

"Democracy belongs to three million Panamanians, not political parties, so we call to defend democracy, because the Fifth Chamber is the beginning of  a disrespect for democracy," he said.

Doens said that the President and his government "is destroying the country's institutions, acting against the law and trying to give continuity to his government to continue in a dance of millions and extract [the state] resources their own interests. "

The PRD leader also said that in front of the Fifth Chamber, "we have come together to make known our positions.”

At that time it  was approved the Fifth Chamber was intended to address social and labor issues, said Doens. While Ricardo Martinelli said that  he wants to build it as a structure of constitutional interpretation and analysis we are sure he  wants to use it for  his own future electoral intentions.

As for the union of parties who have been in conflict and have strongly criticized each other Doens added: "We are not at war with the other political parties. Even at the grassroots level we have had a series of coincidences and demonstrations. "

Popular Party president, Milton Henriquez said that in addition to destroying institutions this government is auctioning the national heritage, in the sale of telephone and electricity companies, andthe lands of the Colon Free Zone.

 On the issue of appointment of judges of the Fifth Chamber, Henriquez said the president is building an institution because he wants to draft his perpetuation in power.

"What is at stake is whether there will be elections, if there will be democracy if there will be freedom of expression."

The PP president urged people to defend "our liberties from a person who was elected democratically but does not govern democratically."