Martinelli closes Assembly as protests mount

After two days of protests  by thousands of Panamanians from all walks of life, President Ricardo Martinelli on Tuesday, June 19, suspended the special sessions,  of the National Assembly which were convened in May.

On Monday and Tuesday the public seats in the Assembly were packed with protestors while police clashed with opposition deputies who arrived to find their way  blocked by fences and riot police.

Police using pepper spray at the National Assembly

On Tuesday thousands assembled and marched  to protest the selling of state shares in jointly owned profitable enterprises and the Martinelli appointments to the newly created 5th Chamber of the Supreme Court.

In the city on Tuesday there was additional traffic chaos with buses re-routed as students from The University of Panama and high schools gathered  with citizens’ groups and unions to add their voices to the thousands who marched to the Assembly the previous day. CD (Democratic Change) flags were burned and a 99 store (owned bv  Martinelli) was vandalized.

Anti Martinelli protests and marches erupted in other cities including Azuero and Colon.

The scenario began on a day in which a Wall Street Journal  article described Martinelli as “out of control”

The special meetings of the Assembly were called for May 21 to June 8, but weresubsequently extended until June 29. 

They were originally convened to discuss projects related to the creation of the Savings Fund of Panama and the Guardian Angel program, in addition, to amendments to the Criminal Code

But the later sessions  involved the ratification of the Martinelli appointments of judges to the Fifth Chamber of the Supreme Court, which would decide constitutional issues and the draft law on the sale of shares in Cable & Wireless, and changes to the tax regime applicable to rehabilitate Casco Viejo, and to create special tax regime for the operation of multinationals in Panama.

Also tagged on to the list was a project to establish a system of incentives for the establishment of generators based on natural gas for electric utilities

In the latter bill, which was approved in the second debate in the early hours of Thursday  June 14 werencluded items related to the sale of state shares in energy companies. 
On Tuesday, June 19,.Martinelli called a press conference to announce the closing of the  Assembly's  and his request for the withdrawal of the bills which will be

They were sent by the Executive for discussion in special session, and will sent for a broad debate in the National debate

On Friday June 15 the three major opposition parties  established a united front for the protection of democracy under what they see as an increasing authoritarian regime

 In his brief appearance before the media  at the Palace of the Herons, in Casco Viejo Martinelli said: "I make a call for peace and reflection,". He announced that on Wednesday June 20 when he  had planned a trip to Brazil to attend the Summit Rio +20-  he would meet with the Metropolitan Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa and Bishop Jose Luis Lacunza to discuss the situation that has rocked the political scene in recent days. 

 Meanwhile, the public packing  the stands of the National Assembly, pending the resumption of the debate in the full Legislature, applauded  and cheered the president's decision

On Wednesday June 20,  further marches were planned by groups prtesting thr flouting of agreements with Unesco, and the construction of a six lane highway across the Bay, encircling Casco Viejo, and  the reduction of penalties to developers  who destroy mangrove swamps and wetlands.