Near last call for “killer” night out

By Dylis Jones

If you have fallen into the local trap of leaving reservations to the last minute you could miss out on a ringside seat for a killer night out at a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre.

With four weeks still to go for the three night presentation September 17 -19 of  Last Call at Chez Mort, directed by former Montrealer Gerry Roy, tickets for two evenings are over 70% sold out and, and for the third evening over 50% of the seats are gone.

The performance, staged by the CanadaPLUS Club, includes dinner with wine and  a different menu each night.

On the opening night the menu will be Florentine Sea Bass, wild rice and salad with mustard vinaigrette, followed by a dessert.

On Tuesday September 18, pork chop stuffed with prunes and apple will be served with curried rice with raisins and cashews and Caesar salad. Dessert follows the first act.

Diners for the final performance will get chicken breast cordon bleu, pilaf rice mixed salad and dessert.

The event is in the ballroom of the Magnolia Inn in Casco Viejo. The Inn is  behind the Cathedral.

The CanadaPLUS Club offers a unique service for Panama residents with tickets  (and a map) delivered to your door.

If you live in Casco Viejo you can pick up tickets at  the  Inn, but you will have to move quickly.

Tickets for members are $35 and for guests $40. For  reservations, call 6634-7351 or email

The Club, with over 250 members is open to people of all nationalities and offers multiple benefits, including major discounts on health insurance. Call 6619-6890 for details.

Future events include :

Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner, October 8

Welcome Back Snowbirds November 12

Carols by Candlelight  Festival.  December 16 , a major charity fund raising event.