Ancon residents present parking proposal to Supreme Court

Ancon residents and environmentalists are presenting a proposal to the Supreme Court with alternative locations for a planned parking garage.

When a construction company moved into Darien Street near the Supreme Court building to cut down trees and build a parking lot, there were widespread protests with residents chaining themselves to trees and staging round the clock vigils.

They are suggesting four sites as viable alternatives.
Following a meeting on  August 8 , with the nine judges of the Court, Ancon residents and environmentalists obtained a 20 days suspension of the construction project to give them time ,  to prepare a proposal.
Environmentalist Raisa Banfield said that the document to be presented to the judges  is an analysis with legal arguments, and technical aspects of environmental and social affectts caused by building on Darien Street, where 34 trees would be cut down
The alternatives presented, include the parking area of the Ministry of Health, the grounds of the former Maritime Court, and the parking lots of the civil courts
"The most viable is the Ministry of Health, but the others are equally feasible," said Banfield.