Draft Bill proposes price scale for coastal land titles

A draft bill delivered by Panama’s Land Management Authority (Anati) contains a sliding scale that would govern the selling price for islands or land near beaches and coasts.

According to the proposal, a puchaser in San Carlos could end up paying paying $375,000 per hectare. to the Treasury
In Isla Colon, in the province of Bocas del Toro, a payment by the owner for possession rights would be $700,000 per hectare.
This would replace the existing provision that provides free titling lands located on islands or near beaches for the first 50,000 meters. According to the director of Anati, Franklin Oduber, the changes will end the speculation.
Tuesday marked two months since the government announced the expropriation of 54.3 hectares in Juan Hombrón that were titled in fast free award processes by corporations today by former Anati titling director Anabelle Villamonte.
In the files of the farms in the Public Registry are marginal notes reading "partial expropriation", while in the Land Registry there are marginal references to "enact" the expropriation of farms, although. Said La Prensa there is still no evidence that the farms have been taken over by the Nation.
The former Minister of the Presidency Demetrio Papadimitriu said his parents should decide whether they fight or not to retain the disputed properties in Juan Hombrón