$45 million damage trail after Costa Rica quake

The 7.6 magnitude earthquake Richter scale that shook Costa Rica on September 5, caused  losses of about $45 million

Then announcement was made Tuesday, Sept. 18 , by the country's president, Laura Chinchilla. She said in a press conference that the losses were mainly in the provinces of Guanacaste and Puntarenas (Pacific coast), in homes, schools and health clinics, roads, electricity infrastructure and aqueducts. 

Chinchilla said that 50% of the losses were recorded in health sector infrastructure, but said that all health centers are covered by policies for reconstruction, creating "a great relief" to the government. For the the rest of the damage no later than next week  she will sign a national emergency decree to expedite the transfer of government funds for reconstruction in the affected areas. The country will also receive some help from China, but no amount was specified.  The earthquake was centered in the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica and caused moderate damage to about 200 homes, public buildings, schools and health centers. The only fatality associated with the tremor was a 55 year old woman who died of a heart attack. After the earthquake the authorities recorded about 2000 aftershocks.The strongest was a Richter scale5.4 magnitude on September 8, but it  caused  no damage.