Spanish royals plan action packed Panama visit

Prince Felipe de Borbon, heir to the Spanish crown, and his wife Princess Letizia will arrive in  Panama Wednesday, October 3 to fulfil an action packed schedule.

While the visit will be largely  focused on economic trade there will be events to keep social, sporting and historical media scribes busy.

 They will later travel to  Ecuador. Both official visits will have a strong economic. program including  business meetings to strengthen the trade and investment relations between Spain and the two countries.

The Prince will be accompanied  by Jesus Garcia Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Latin America and both  will  speak  at the opening of the Second Meeting of Spanish Companies ICEX, convened under the heading "Business Opportunities in Panama.". 

 The Prince and Princess  will join President Ricardo Martinelli, and his wife, Marta Linare at  a luncheon and then attend the announcement  of the V Centenary Cup, a November 14 soccer match between reigning World Cup Champions Spain and Panama, currently fighting to make a first World Cup appearance in Rio in 2014.

Wednesday’s  program will continue with the launch of the commemoration of the V Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific by Núñez de Balboa. The event will unveil a monumental sculpture of Panamanian artist Mark A. Lee Rueda, dedicated to the historic event. That day will  close with a reception for the Prince of Asturias to the Spanish colony in Panama, at the residence of the Ambassador of Spain.

On Thursday , before leaving for Quito, the royal couple  will visit two projects involving Spanish companies, the  Metro subway construction  and the Canal expansion.