Alliance for Justice concerned over military moves

The Citizens Alliance for Justice has joined a growing outcry against what critics see as increasing   signs of militarism in Panama.

Frank Abrego

Earlier in the month the appearance of heavily armed members of the border patrol agency,Senafront, in an independence parade largely consisting of school children, led to a public confrontation between Education Minster Lucy Molinar and Security Minister Raoul Mulrino and the opinion voiced by well known community leaders, including a retired general, that the display was a subtle hint to opponents of the government,

Earlier the force was used during the Colon demonstrations against a bill allowing the sale land in the Free Zone. Three people were killed during the confrontations.
On Thursday, November 15, the Alliance wrote to Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henríquez, that it is concerned about the extension of powers being granted to Senafront.
The organization said that it received an invitation to the forum "Opening roads toward the consolidation of the Darién and the comarcas in the 21st century." The invitation was signed by Dayra Dawson Villalobos, executive director of the Darién Development Program (Prodar) and by Senafront Commissioner Frank Abrego.
According to the Alliance, says La Prensa it is clear that the forum is being organized to determine social policies that define goals, objectives, and strategies of governance.

"What seems worrisome is that the public announcement bears the signature of the commissioner, as if he were a political actor in the government, with a level of significance greater than the governor of the province," the Alliance said.
The letter pointed out that the constitution specifically prevents security agencies from engaging in political debates or intervening in party politics. The punishment is immediate dismissal.

"We can understand that, as a security entity, they can attend the forum, but it is not correct to assume a role of organizing an event that determines social or political policies," the alliance said.
Commissioner Abrego has not responded to calls for comment says La Prensa.