Canal expansion work halted after death of worker

The company responsible for the expansion work of the Panama Canal in the area of Gatun in Colon province, has called on striking employees , to return to work after a 48-hour strike following the depth of one worker and injuries to four.

" Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), calls for the resumption of work, and reflection of the impact on the project because of the suspension of activities," the company said through a press release.

The workers, who held a picket and chanted, decided to suspend their work because of the death of Salome Rodriguez on Tuesday during an industrial accident in which four others were ijured.
The company said it was surprised by the decision of the workers to suspend work due to the accident, as on Wednesday, it was decided to suspend all activity,mourning in solidarity with the employees affected and their families.
The company reiterated that it is collaborating with the authorities to determine the causes of the accident.
It also stressed that it will provide answers and support to the families of those affected.