La Prensa story “vile and despicable Security Minister

While criticism of the “militarization:” of Panama’s security forces continues to grow, the man in charge, Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, has lashed out against La Prensa
His tirade was directed at the paper for publishing under the heading “Muliono imposes militarist line an interview with the ex head of the National Customs Authority (ANA) Gloria Moreno de Lopez, in which she denounced the excessive power that would accrue to Mulino with the merger of ANA and the National Immigration Service (SNM)
"I disagree, as a democrat with the concentration of so much power in one man [Mulino]. And after fighting against the military dictatorship, I cannot remain in a government that is reborn according to militarism, "said Lopez Moreno.
In the final paragraph of the story Mulino was quoted as saying: "If you are happy reviving ghosts and selling scenarios that do not exist, as we know it, what I can do .. .'s some people like to live in 1980 and have not migrated . If they see ghosts, they shoul purchase a Ouija board, "he said.
The minister's statement came in an interview he gave to a journalist, on Tuesday November 20, after attending his office to obtain information about a contract between the Ministry of Security and the consortium Motorola Kadair.
Later he said: "I am a man of character, I am the minister of security of this country. I'm not a head of an institution that has the specific weight of the country's security. They respect me and respect all security sectors of the Panamanian nation, and the President of the Republic, "the official claimed in a string of phrases that attacked La Prensa.

The president of the National College of Journalists, Rafael Candanedo condemned Mulino’s attack
"We repudiate the verbal attack  against the newspaper La Prensa by Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino…. The unconstitutional, militarization of the countrywas exhibited in the protests in Colon and the patriotic parades in Panama "said Candanedo
" A minister of state, is required by the Constitution, to serve all citizens and should be the first to realize that the nation is being militarized, as opposed to the law. Even his Cabinet colleagues are warning. "
The former leader of the National Civil Crusade and democracy activist Aurelio Barria again questioned the military component of the country's security agencies.
He said that it is unacceptable that today, under the guise of protecting the transit and entry of drugs, we accepting commitments with foreign governments involving the creation of military establishments that are trained with very different protocols Police must protect the life and property of citizens.

The former leader of the National Civil Crusade and democracy activist Aurelio Barria again questioned the military component of the country's security agencies.

He said that it is unacceptable that today, under the guise of protecting the transit and entry of drugs, we are accepting commitments with foreign governments involving the creation of military establishments that are trained with very different protocols Police must protect  the life and property of citizens.

Carlos Abadia, who was also a civilista, is another who rejected the metamorphosis of the security sectors of the country, in the hands of Mulino.

He said  the specter of militarism, has slowly been reviving since  former President Guillermo Endara  in 1990 put together a structure to divide and disempower the extinct Defense Forces.

"This is disturbing … this is not living in the 80s. My friend Jose Raul must understand the concern and  it is not a political issue … This is a case of a citizen who is concerned about what is happening, and Mulino  not listen. Giving  commissioners ,  salaries of ministers, is a step towards militarization," he said.