88 Christmas Eve violent deaths in Central America

AT LEAST 88 people died and 241 were injured in various incidents of violence in Central America during Christmas Eve celebrations and that doesn’t include Costa Rica. Two died in Panama.

An EFE news agency lists the figures obtained from  sources in the police and relief agencies in the region. In Costa Rica, neither the authorities nor the Red Cross have released figures of possible victims during the holidays.

In Honduras, at least 50 people were killed and another 73 were wounded in various events during the Christmas Eve celebrations police said.

The spokesman of the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation in Tegucigalpa, Gustavo Aguilar, told Reutersthat the death toll applies only to  December 24

In El Salvador the death toll from Christmas Eve violence was 19, while 144 other people were injured, said the Civil Protection agency.

In Nicaragua, at least nine people were killed in various acts of violence and another 12 were injured during the holidays, the National Police said.

The authorities and relief agencies in Guatemala reported at least eight people killed and 15 wounded in various acts of violence Most deaths were due to  gunshot wounds, police said.

In Panama, provisional reports show that  two people died violently during Christmas Eve celebrations, on  Monday. According to reports, a man was shot dead in  San Miguelito, during  a discussion within a group of people drinking liquor. One pulled a gun and shot another.