Mounting attacks on freedom of expression

At least 60 attacks on freedom of expression, including public statements, claims and lawsuits against journalists and media, were reported in Panama in 2012.

The, information, published in La Prensa, comes from the Union of Journalists of Panama.
Filemon Medina, secretary general of the group, said that the figures show a substantial increase in cases (275%) compared with 16 reports added in 2011, and even more significant (400%) compared with 12 cases in 2010 .
Medina predicted a much worse scenario this year because, being a pre-election year, there will be more news about corruption and, therefore, more attacks. Based on records of prosecutors and the judiciary, there have been at least 24 cases against 33 journalists and media in recent years . In 2012 alone there were four lawsuits for libel, and five civil suits for damages against journalists and media outlets, the most cases of the last decade.
For the president of the National College of Journalists, Rafael Candanedo, the problem is that there is a tendency to criminalize the work of journalists when the protagonists are civil.
Candanedo called for Panama’s compliance with the regulations on freedom of expression provided for in international conventions and in the Constitution, and respect for the work of journalists.